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The Cambridge companion to the Council of Nicaea
ISBN: 1108613209 1108617468 110855962X 9781108427746 9781108448116 9781108448116 1108448119 9781108427746 110842774X 9781108613200 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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Every Sunday, Christians all over the world recite the Nicene Creed as a confession of faith. While most do not know the details of the controversy that led to its composition, they are aware that the Council of Nicaea was a critical moment in the history of Christianity. For scholars, the Council has long been a subject of multi-disciplinary interest and continues to fascinate and inspire research. As we approach the 1700th anniversary of the Council, The Cambridge Companion to the Council of Nicaea provides an opportunity to revisit and reflect on old discussions, propose new approaches and interpretative frameworks, and ultimately revitalize a conversation that remains as important now as it was in the fourth century. The volume offers fifteen original studies by scholars who each examine an aspect of the Council. Informed by interdisciplinary approaches, the essays demonstrate its profound legacy with fresh, sometimes provocative, but always intellectually rich ideas.

Council of Nicaea (325) : Religious and political context, documents, commentaries
ISBN: 9788878393295 8878393290 Year: 2018 Publisher: Roma Gregorian & Biblical Press

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The book on the Council of Nicea (325) re-examines all the documents regarding the Council from the so-called Arian controversy around 323 up to the post-conciliar documents. The analysis leades to the conclustion that Arianism was not, nor was it able to be, the cause of the convocation of the council, and the synodal documents, including the Credo, became anti-Arian only with the interpretation of Saint Athanasius. The post-synodal letters, of Constantine to the church of Alexandria and the Council to the Alexandrian church, appear to be forged, to be attributed to Peter II of Alexandria, successor of Athanasius, and - perhaps - to Damascus of Rome.--Cover

Theodor von Mopsuestia und das Nicänum : Studien zu den katechetischen Homilien
ISBN: 9789004313170 9789004115217 9004115218 9004313176 Year: 2000 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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Around 392 Theodore of Mopsuestia delivered his homilies to candidates for baptism. Using Theodore's homilies, this work studies the reception and influence of the Nicene Creed in the imperial church since Theodosius. Passed at Nicæa in 325 the Creed became an official dogma of the empire in 380/81. What was its role in the life of the church and in the theological controversies of the subsequent years? At which point did the people start to pay attention to its exact original wording? To which extent were Theodore's theological teachings influenced by the trinitarian dogma of Nicæa? The text of Theodore's Baptismal Creed is reconstructed in both its Syriac and Greek versions. It proves to be one of the most important sources of the Nicæno-Constantinopolitan Creed of 381.

The Gnomai of the Council of Nicea (CC 0021) : critical text with translation, introduction and commentary
ISBN: 9781463202606 1463202601 Year: 2015 Publisher: Piscataway, NJ Gorgias Press

Die Anfänge der abendländischen Rezeption des Nizänums
ISBN: 3110144050 3110873079 9783110144055 Year: 2015 Volume: 39 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

Retrieving Nicaea : the development and meaning of Trinitarian doctrine.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780801031328 080103132X Year: 2011 Publisher: Grand Rapids Baker Academic

Nicaea and its legacy : an approach to fourth-century Trinitarian theology
ISBN: 0198755066 0191602787 1282052500 9786612052507 0191525006 0198755058 9780198755067 9780198755050 Year: 2004 Publisher: Oxford ; New York Oxford University Press

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Concile de Nicée (1er : 325) --- Concilie van Nicaea (1ste : 325) --- Council of Nicaea (1st : 325) --- Nicaea [Concilie van ] (1ste : 325) --- Nicaea [Council of ] (1st : 325) --- Nicée [Concile de ] (1er : 325) --- Trinity --- History of doctrines --- Jesus Christ --- Council of Nicaea --- 231.01 --- 262.5*12 --- Drieëenheid. Drievuldigheid --- Nicea I--(325) --- 262.5*12 Nicea I--(325) --- 231.01 Drieëenheid. Drievuldigheid --- Christ --- Cristo --- Jezus Chrystus --- Jesus Cristo --- Jesus, --- Jezus --- Christ, Jesus --- Yeh-su --- Masīḥ --- Khristos --- Gesù --- Christo --- Yeshua --- Chrystus --- Gesú Cristo --- Ježíš --- Isa, --- Nabi Isa --- Isa Al-Masih --- Al-Masih, Isa --- Masih, Isa Al --- -Jesus, --- Jesucristo --- Yesu --- Yeh-su Chi-tu --- Iēsous --- Iēsous Christos --- Iēsous, --- Kʻristos --- Hisus Kʻristos --- Christos --- Jesuo --- Yeshuʻa ben Yosef --- Yeshua ben Yoseph --- Iisus --- Iisus Khristos --- Jeschua ben Joseph --- Ieso Kriʻste --- Yesus --- Kristus --- ישו --- ישו הנוצרי --- ישו הנצרי --- ישוע --- ישוע בן יוסף --- المسيح --- مسيح --- يسوع المسيح --- 耶稣 --- 耶稣基督 --- 예수그리스도 --- Jíizis --- Yéshoua --- Iėsu̇s --- Khrist Iėsu̇s --- عيسىٰ --- Concilio de Nicea --- Council of Nicea --- Konzil von Nicäa --- Synode von Nizäa --- Council of Nice --- Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600 A.D. --- ‏عيسىٰ‏ --- Trinity - History of doctrines - Early church, ca 30-600 --- Jesus Christ - History of doctrines - Early church, ca. 30-600. --- Patrology --- Doctrine of God (christianism) --- anno 300-399 --- Concile de Nicée (1er, 325)

Tome aux Antiochiens : Lettres à Rufinien, à Jovien et aux Africains
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782204145374 2204145378 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paris: Cerf,

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En 360, pour l'évêque d'Alexandrie, le salut des croyants est en jeu : « homéenne », la foi officielle de l'empire romain en 360 reconnaît au Christ une simple « ressemblance » avec le Père. Athanase tente donc de reconstruire l'unité de l'Église autour de la foi définie au concile de Nicée en 325, disant le Fils « consubstantiel » au Père. Après le synode d'Alexandrie qu'il convoque en 362, il écrit aux Antiochiens un « tome », c'est-à-dire une lettre officielle, alors que s'opposent à Antioche plusieurs tendances. Parmi les homéens modérés, Mélèce réunit un synode en 363 qui réinterprète le « consubstantiel » nicéen ; il en adresse le résultat à l'empereur Jovien, passant outre Athanase qui réagit en dénonçant cette interprétation dans sa Lettre à Jovien sur la foi. Deux autres lettres complètent le dossier : la Lettre à Rufinien, sur la réintégration des clercs qui ont signé la formule de 360, et la Lettre aux Africains, rejetant les positions homéennes du synode de Rimini (359). En annexes sont aussi traduits plusieurs documents du dossier. L'ensemble offre à voir comment le grand Alexandrin défend l'idée que « Nicée suffit », tout en faisant évoluer la foi trinitaire, en particulier sur le Saint-Esprit. Annick Martin, professeur émérite d'histoire ancienne à l'Université de Rennes 2, est spécialiste d'Athanase, auquel elle a consacré plusieurs livres, dont Athanase d'Alexandrie et l'Église d'Égypte au IVe siècle (328-373), Rome 1996. Elle a déjà contribué dans la collection à deux volumes d'Athanase (SC 317, 563), ainsi qu'à l'Histoire ecclésiastique de Théodoret de Cyr (SC 501 et 530). Xavier Morales est assistant à la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Santiago du Chili. Auteur d'une thèse sur la Théologie trinitaire d'Athanase d'Alexandrie (EAA 180, Paris 2006), dans la collection il a publié avec A. Martin la Lettre sur les synodes d'Athanase (SC 563)


Arianism --- Church history --- Theology, Doctrinal --- Councils and synods --- Controversial literature. --- History --- Athanasius, --- Jovian, --- Rufinus, --- Jesus Christ --- Person and offices. --- Natures. --- Council of Nicaea --- Synod of Alexandria --- Homoousian controversy --- Correspondence. --- Christian church history --- Classical Greek literature --- 276 =75 ATHANASIUS ALEXANDRINUS --- 276 =75 ATHANASIUS ALEXANDRINUS Griekse patrologie--ATHANASIUS ALEXANDRINUS --- 276 =75 ATHANASIUS ALEXANDRINUS Patrologie grecque--ATHANASIUS ALEXANDRINUS --- Griekse patrologie--ATHANASIUS ALEXANDRINUS --- Patrologie grecque--ATHANASIUS ALEXANDRINUS --- Christian councils and synods --- Church councils --- Synods --- Religious gatherings --- Christian doctrines --- Christianity --- Doctrinal theology --- Doctrines, Christian --- Dogmatic theology --- Fundamental theology --- Systematic theology --- Theology, Dogmatic --- Theology, Systematic --- Theology --- Antitrinitarianism --- Christian heresies --- Controversial literature --- Doctrines --- Athanasius --- Athanasius Alexandrinus --- Athanase d'Alexandrie --- Afanasiĭ, --- Aḟanasīĭ Velikīĭ, --- Atanasio, --- Atanazy, --- Atanazy Wielki, --- Athanase, --- Athanasios, --- Athanāsiyūs, --- Athnāsiyūs, --- Bābā Athanāsiyūs Baṭriyark al-Iskandarīyah, --- أثناسيوس، --- بابا اثناسيوس بطريرك الإسكندرية --- Atanasie cel Mare, --- Pseudo-Athanasius --- Christ --- Cristo --- Jezus Chrystus --- Jesus Cristo --- Jesus, --- Christ, Jesus --- Yeh-su --- Masīḥ --- Khristos --- Gesù --- Christo --- Yeshua --- Chrystus --- Gesú Cristo --- Ježíš --- Isa, --- Nabi Isa --- Isa Al-Masih --- Al-Masih, Isa --- Masih, Isa Al --- -Jesus, --- Jesucristo --- Yesu --- Yeh-su Chi-tu --- Iēsous --- Iēsous Christos --- Iēsous, --- Kʻristos --- Hisus Kʻristos --- Christos --- Jesuo --- Yeshuʻa ben Yosef --- Yeshua ben Yoseph --- Iisus --- Iisus Khristos --- Jeschua ben Joseph --- Ieso Kriʻste --- Yesus --- Kristus --- ישו --- ישו הנוצרי --- ישו הנצרי --- ישוע --- ישוע בן יוסף --- المسيح --- مسيح --- يسوع المسيح --- 耶稣 --- 耶稣基督 --- 예수그리스도 --- Jíizis --- Yéshoua --- Iėsu̇s --- Khrist Iėsu̇s --- ‏عيسىٰ‏ --- Ruffinus Aquileiensis --- Rufin d'Aquilée --- Tyrannius Rufinus presbyter Aquileiensis --- Tyrannius Rufinus van Aquileia --- Turannius Rufinus presbyter Aquileiensis --- Rufinus --- Jovianus, Flavius, --- Council of Nicaea. --- Council of Alexandria --- Synode von Alexandrien --- Concilio de Nicea --- Council of Nicea --- Konzil von Nicäa --- Synode von Nizäa --- Council of Nice --- Jovian --- Jovianus, Flavius

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